Amazing AI! Man applied for 1000 jobs using AI while sleeping
Amazing AI! Nowadays, artificial intelligence, or AI, is being widely used in all sectors. Many things have become easier through AI. With just one click, you can prepare resumes, CVs, cover letters, and other documents for job applications. However, one person has taken AI to a higher level. The person used AI in such a way that he himself was surprised. He applied for 1000 jobs while sleeping. When he saw the results, he himself was shocked. The person mentioned this on the social media platform Reddit.
A man on Reddit revealed that he applied for 1,000 jobs while he was sleeping using AI. But AI made his job easier, and the AI bot completed all the hard work smoothly. He got interview calls from more than 50 companies while he was sleeping. He said that using AI made it very easy for him to find a job.
“I have created an AI bot that analyzes candidate information and job descriptions. It creates customized CVs and cover letters for each job, answers specific questions, and even applies for jobs. This method is very effective in bypassing the screening system. It creates scripted CVs and cover letters, which can catch the attention of not only the AI but also the employers,” he wrote on Reddit’s ‘Get Employed’ forum. The person said he sees this technology as a revolution.

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