Know which vitamins your body is lacking from these symptoms
Deficiency of vitamins: That body is lacking these symptoms: Our body requires different nutrients to maintain good health. Vitamins do great service in this field. Vitamins are chemical elements, which sustain the healthiness of our human body. Vitamins are drawn from our diet. Those vitamins are highly in demand for every part of our body to perform well. When we have a deficiency of vitamins, then we become sick. All these will never come into knowledge unless one goes to the doctor. But the thing is, you can very easily detect what vitamins are lacking in your body just by viewing a few of its symptoms. So, let’s get going to know these symptoms.

1) Leg muscles become tight– It pulls your leg muscles, and this makes you feel pain since you don’t have calcium and potassium. So have bananas, almonds, pumpkin, onions, and green vegetables to overcome the deficiency of calcium and potassium.

2) Dry Lips- The disease of dry lips is due to iron deficiency or zinc, or vitamin B12 deficiency. Take all such treatments as you contract any such disease. Put all these dietary constituents in your diet: capsicum, kale, Chinese almonds, and all varieties of pulses.

3) Wrinkling of the face- Due to the scarcity of vitamins ‘A’ and ‘C, your face becomes worse. Your skin is toughened and red spots start appearing in many places. You should put boiled eggs, cabbage, almonds, oranges, and bananas in your diet if you have the same suffering too.

4) Fatigue and Headaches – Because of the absence of Vitamin ‘B’ and Magnesium, problems like fatigue and headaches occur. There is no hunger as a result. Having one banana every day will help overcome the body’s magnesium deficiency, provided you have the same issue too. Apart from that, try to eat almonds and spinach also.

5) Cold hands and feet – The deficiency of vitamins B-6, B-9, and B-12 affects our nerves. Then the hands and feet go cold. Eat these three items if you experience this problem Spinach, eggs, beans, and beets will do. It contains vitamin ‘B’ in huge amounts.

6) Dandruff- White scalp and more dandruff, which means the body lacks protein, zinc, and vitamin B-7. You must take eggs, beans, lentils, almonds, and pumpkin seeds.

7) Weight loss– Loss of weight without any kind of apparent cause is a sign of insufficient Vitamin D. In compensation for deficiency, you are supposed to use butter, ghee, eggs, and salmon. Furthermore, vitamin D also occurs in sunlight. Hence, sit out or walk a little during the morning hours.
Deficiency of vitamins: That body is lacking these symptoms.
ALSO READ: What are vitamins, and what is the function of which vitamin?