Eclipse 2025:four eclipses in the year, only one will be visible in India
Eclipse 2025 ,the year 2024 is saying goodbye, and the new year 2025 is getting ready to bring new hopes, aspirations, and enthusiasm. Like every year, many events will happen in 2025 as well. If we talk about eclipses here, then there will be 4 eclipses in the new year. Out of which, two will be solar eclipses and two lunar eclipses. But the people of India will be able to see only one eclipse. Rajendra Prakash Gupta, Superintendent of Jiwaji Observatory, Ujjain, has informed in this regard.

The first cosmic spectacle of the year will be visible in the sky on March 14.This is a total lunar eclipse, but unfortunately it will not be visible in India. Because it will be in the morning.This lunar eclipse will be visible in the Americas, Western Europe, West Africa, and the South and North Atlantic Ocean regions.

Then, March 29, the first solar eclipse of the year will be held. But Indians cannot see this.The first sunspot of the year will be visible in North America, Greenland, Iceland, the North Atlantic Ocean, Europe, and northwestern Russia.
Indian astronomy enthusiasts can eagerly wait until September 7-8 to watch the eclipse. This total lunar eclipse will be visible across India.The total lunar eclipse will be visible in other countries in Asia, as well as Europe, Antarctica, the Western Pacific, Australia, and the Indian Ocean.This eclipse will last from 8:58 pm to 2:25 am, due to which the moon will appear dark red.

The final eclipse of the year 2025 will occur between September 21-22.While this is expected to be a partial solar eclipse, it will not be visible in India.The eclipse will be visible in New Zealand, eastern Melanesia, southern Polynesia, and West Antarctica.

Strange event to happen in the sky today: The sky will turn black at night. When will the first solar eclipse occur in 2025? Will it be visible in India? Meteor shower will be seen 3 times.

Three supermoons will also be visible in the sky in 2025, which will occur on October 7, November 5, and December 5. These will appear larger and brighter than usual, which is going to be a spectacular sight. A rare event will occur on January 16, due to which the red planet Mars will come close to Earth. This event occurs every 2 years and 50 days. After that, a pink micromoon will be visible in the sky on April 13.
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