When it comes to popular Hollywood stars, Tom Cruise’s name definitely comes in the list. He himself is known for performing dangerous stunts in movies. As an action actor, no one can compete with him in Hollywood. This famous action star of Hollywood was honored with the highest civilian award by the US Navy. After this, a discussion started on social media about why the actor was given a naval award.

According to report, Tom Cruise has indeed received the highest honor from the US Navy. He was awarded the Distinguished Public Service Award, which is the highest honor the Secretary of the Navy can bestow on a civilian outside the Department of the Navy .

This recognition is a testament to Cruise’s dedication to the Navy and his efforts to increase public awareness and appreciation for the Navy’s highly trained personnel and their sacrifices. His work in films like Top Gun and Top Gun: Maverick has inspired generations to serve in the Navy and Marine Corps.

As the US Navy’s 36th Honorary Naval Aviator, Cruise has demonstrated his commitment to supporting the Navy and its personnel. This award is a well-deserved recognition of his contributions .