‘Flash Radiotherapy’: ultra-fast effective for Cancer patients: Flash radiotherapy is the most promising advancement in the cancer treatment process. Radiation could now be delivered within one second using this flash radiotherapy advanced technology.
This new approach will make treatment faster, safer, and more effective. In traditional radiotherapy, radiation is delivered to the tumor for a few minutes and for a long period. That can damage tissues. This is specifically true when the cancer is present in a sensitive part of the body like in the brain. Flash radiotherapy has solved this problem. This technology delivers ultra-high doses of radiation in “milliseconds”.

This treatment is 400 times more effective than the conventional radiotherapy. This treatment process applies molecular therapy and modern diagnosis techniques. It can easily find cancerous cells and destroy them. This kind of radiotherapy is best suited for leukemia cancer and prostate cancer, etc. With this treatment, the patient need not remain in the hospital for a longer period.

It was formerly researched at the US University of Cincinnati Cancer Center. A person can take this treatment once in a week or once in a month, whichever the physician advises. It also has fewer side effects. By giving patients a shorter dose of radiotherapy in combination with hydrogen, normal cells remain viable.