only special people get blue number plates, know the speciality
Did you know that some vehicles in India, using blue number plates? These blue number plate vehicles are rarely seen on the roads, due to which 99% of the people are not aware of this.

Mainly in our country, white number plates are used in private vehicles. Commercial vehicles have yellow number plates. Red number plates are used in showroom vehicles. But you may not know which vehicles use blue number plates. Let’s find out…
In fact, vehicles with blue number plates are exclusive and cannot be used by the general public. Representatives of embassies of other countries in India can use vehicles with blue number plates. Also, blue number plates are used on vehicles used in India by the staff of the consulates of other countries or international organisations.
These blue number plates have a country code instead of a state code. They are written with the letters DC (Diplomatic Corps), CC (Consular Corps), UN (United Nations), etc. At the beginning of the number plate there is a special code, which indicates that country or organization. After this there is a rank code.
These vehicles are generally not covered by Indian tax laws. Because they are covered by international laws and diplomatic agreements. Those vehicles are also excluded from Indian traffic rules.
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