Premanand Ji Maharaj Real name
Premanand Ji Maharaj Real name, how did he become a sanyasi . He sings Radharani’s bhajans and kirtans in Vrindavan. He imparts knowledge of attaining salvation through bhajans and stories. Let’s know about the life of Premanand Ji Maharaj.
Who does not know Radharani’s great devotee and Vrindavan resident Premanand Ji Maharaj. He is a famous saint of today’s time. This is the reason why people from far and wide come to his bhajans and satsangs. Maharaj’s ji fame has spread far and wide.

It is said that Bholenath himself appeared before Premanand Ji Maharaj. After this, he left his home and came to Vrindavan. But do you know why Maharaj Ji left his ordinary life and chose the path of devotion and how Maharaj Ji became a sanyasi. Let us know about the life of Premanand Ji Maharaj.
He was born in a Brahmin family in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh. Premanand Ji’s childhood name is Anirudh Kumar Pandey. His father’s name is Shri Shambhu Pandey and mother’s name is Shrimati Rama Devi. Premanand Ji’s grandfather was the first to take sanyaas. His father also used to worship God and his elder brother also used to recite Bhagavat daily.

There was an atmosphere of devotion in Premanand ji’s family and this had an impact on his life as well. Premanand ji Maharaj tells that, when he was in the 5th grade, he started reading the Gita and in this way, his interest gradually started increasing towards spirituality. Along with this, he also started getting knowledge of spiritual knowledge. When he was 13 years old, he decided to become a Brahmachari and after this, he left home and became a Sanyasi. At the beginning of his Sanyali life, Premanand ji Maharaj was named Aryan Brahmachari.
Sanyasi remained hungry for many days in his life
moharaj ji left his home to become a sanyasi and came to Varanasi and started living his life here. In the daily routine of his sanyasi life, he used to bathe in the Ganga three times a day and used to meditate and worship Lord Shiva and Mother Ganga at Tulsi Ghat. He used to eat only once a day. Instead of begging for alms, Premanand Ji Maharaj used to sit for 10-15 minutes with the desire to get food. If he got food in this time, he used to eat it, otherwise he used to just drink Ganga water. In the daily routine of his sanyasi life, Premanand Ji Maharaj spent many days hungry.

The miraculous story of reaching Vrindavan
The story of Premanand Maharaj ji coming to Vrindavan after becoming a sanyasi is very miraculous. One day an unknown saint came to meet Premanand ji Maharaj and said that Shri Ram Sharma has organized Shri Chaitanya Leela in the day and Raasleela stage in the night in Shri Hanuman Dham University, in which you are invited. At first Maharaj ji refused to let the unknown saint come. But the saint requested him a lot to join the event, after which Maharaj ji accepted the invitation. When Maharaj ji went to see Chaitanya Leela and Raasleela, he liked the event very much. This event lasted for about a month and then ended.
After the Chaitanya Leela and Raasleela event was over, he started getting anxious about how he would get to see the Raasleela. After this, Maharaj ji went to the same saint who had come to invite him. After meeting him, Maharaj ji said, take me along with you so that I can see the Raasleela. In return, I will serve you.
The saint said that you should come to Vrindavan, there you will get to see Raasleela every day. On hearing this from the saint, Maharaji felt the urge to come to Vrindavan and then he got the inspiration to come to Vrindavan. After this, Maharaj ji came to the feet of Radharani and Shri Krishna in Vrindavan and started attaining God. After this, Maharaj ji came on the path of devotion. After coming to Vrindavan, he also joined the Radha Vallabh sect.
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