Rani Panda donates Rs 1 lakh,financial help to the family
Rani Panda donates Rs 1 lakh ,Actress Rani Panda on Friday provided financial help to the family of Purnachandra Dalai, a farmer from the local Dungar village who passed away four days ago. She met the family and expressed her condolences and handed over a cheque of Rs 1 lakh to Purnachandra’s wife Parvati Dalai.

after that rani panda promised the family that he would gave all the expenses and make all the arrangements for hosting a Mahaprasad for 800 people on the ekadashah kriya.
The family has blessed to Rani , who has lost their head of the family main member due to crop loss and debt burden. The villagers have also expressed their gratitude for Rani’s help.
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