Side effects of money plant
Side effects of money plant: It is cultivated in the house for the rectification of Vastu defects or to gain money. People believe that if the house contains a Vastu defect, planting this will help remove it. But, have you ever come across a notion that money plants have a few side effects too? Let’s get some tips about it.

- It must not be kept in the northeast direction. If it is placed in this direction, this will deteriorate health. Thus, the inhabitants of the house may suffer from diseases.
- It is better to plant the money plant in the south-east direction. If you plant it in this direction, positive energy increases. According to Hinduism, this corner belongs to Lord Ganesha. Therefore, if the said plant is planted in this direction, the luck of the person opens.

- It is considered auspicious for the leaves of the money plant to be large and green. It is considered inauspicious for the leaves to be curled, wrinkled, or yellow. Therefore, it is important to remove the bad leaves. It is believed that it is good to have it curled upwards. If it curls downwards, it has a negative effect.
- Plant this plant at home on Wednesday in the constellation of Revati, as it is considered to be the day of Lord Ganesha.
- If there is bitterness in married life, first of all, remove the money plant planted in the east or west direction. Because money plants planted in these directions create mental unrest and bitterness in the relationship. In such a case, it is better to plant a money plant with heart-shaped leaves in the house to sweeten the relationship between the family members.