vastu tips :Know in which direction furniture arrengeent house
vastu tips While building a house, many of us give importance to Vastu. But do you give importance to Vastu while arranging the furniture? In the drawing room, we usually arrange the sofa and other furniture according to the available space or our preference. In the dining hall, we also arrange the dining table according to our preference. So, it is said that placing these things in specific directions according to Vastu increases the happiness and peace in the house.

The effect of positive energy in the house also increases. Let us know about it today. According to Vastu Shastra, sofa sets and other furniture in the dining room should be placed in the south and west directions. These should be placed against the south and west walls. According to Vastu Shastra, this is auspicious. If there is any problem in placing furniture in the south and west directions of the house, then you can place it in the north or east direction. In all these directions, the furniture should be kept at a distance of 6 to 8 inches from the wall. This will avoid the direction-related Vastu defects.

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