Vitamin D deficiency symptoms
Vitamin D is essential for the body. It helps keep the body functioning properly. Recently, it has been found that 80 percent people of in India suffer from a deficiency in Vitamin D. Many do not know it. Sunlight alone has an adequate amount of Vitamin D. Besides it, consuming eggs, cheese, milk, and fish can compensate the deficit in the body. So let us know which diseases are caused by a deficiency of Vitamin D in the body.

If the body lacks ‘Vitamin D’, one feels more tired. Often, this also increases mental stress. If you experience such symptoms, spend ten minutes in the sun in the morning.

If one lacks vitamin D, weak bones, tight knees, and stiff backs may result among other issues.

Low vitamin D levels lead to issues like pneumonia and higher incidences of colds.

Any wound in the body will not easily heal without it.
The sugar level in the body is increased. Since it is lacking, there is a chance of high blood pressure and heart disease.

ALSO READ: Deficiency of vitamins: That body is lacking these symptoms