What is the salary of the SPG women commando? Know the all about of women SPG commando
What is the salary of the SPG women commando? SPG commandos are one of the most powerful commandos in the country. SPG is the most special force in the country. The Special Protection Group (SPG) was formed in 1985 to provide security to the Prime Minister, former Prime Ministers and their family members. SPG officers have so far been awarded 01 Shaurya Chakras, 45 Rashtrapati Police Medals for Distinguished Service and 347 Police Medals for Meritorious Service. This force also has women commandos, who are some of the most skilled and trained security personnel in the country. Let us know how women SPG commandos are recruited, trained and how much they are paid?

Earlier, women SPG commandos were deployed to monitor and check the security of women guests, especially those visiting the Prime Minister, at sensitive places like Parliament. After 2015, women commandos were also included in the Close Protection Team (CPT). Now, women SPG commandos have also taken over the responsibility of protecting the Prime Minister.

Not only that, when the Prime Minister goes on foreign visits, women SPG commandos are also sent with him. There, they help in providing security under the Advanced Security Liaison (ASL). According to information received, know a days there are about 100 women commandos in the SPG . They are deployed in modern deployments, tight security and other security arrangements.
How are SPG commandos recruited?
Unlike any other military force in the country, there is no direct recruitment in SPG. SPG comprises selected personnel from Indian Police Service (IPS), Central Industrial Security Force (CISF), Border Security Force (BSF) and Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF). Initial selection is done on the basis of service record, fitness and other criteria of the selected candidates.
But SPG personnel change teams every year. No soldier can serve for more than a year. After the completion of the SPG commando’s tenure, they are returned to their original unit. After that, a blank list is sent to these organizations by the Home Ministry.
The soldiers who join the SPG are already part of the Special Forces, which has a lot of experience. After this, they are also given world-class training. Running, swimming, martial arts, weapons, mental preparation, vision, fighting terrorists, fighting in the dark, etc. are some of the special parts of the rigorous training of the SPG commandos.
Salary of SPG Commando
The salary of SPG Commando varies from Rs 84,000 to Rs 240,000 per month depending on their rank and experience. This includes special allowances and other benefits. SPG Commando on operational duty gets Rs 27,800 per year and Non-operational Duty Commando gets Rs 21,225 per year in additional dress allowance.
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