When is Mahashivratri 2025? Know Date, Time And Other Details
When is Mahashivratri 2025? Maha Shivaratri has a special significance. According to Puranas, in ancient times, Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati united on the fourteenth day of Krishna’s side in the month of Phalguna on the day of Mahashivaratri. It is believed that those who fast on Mahashivaratri with a sincere heart and worship Lord Shiva and Goddess Gauri together are blessed with happiness, peace, wealth, glory, fame, and prosperity. Also, love remains intact in love life.

Let us know on which day Mahashivaratri will be celebrated in 2025. Along with this, you can also know about the auspicious time and method of worshiping Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. When does Mahashivratri fall in 2025? According to the Vedic calendar, this time the fourteenth tithi of the Krishna Palka of the month of Phalguna will begin at 11:08 am on February 26, which will end at 08:54 am the next day, February 27. Based on the sunrise date, this year Mahashivaratri will be celebrated on Wednesday, February 26, 2025. So, you can break the fast the next day, February 27, the auspicious time for which will be from 06:48 AM to 08:54 AM.

Recommended For You: “Ayushman Bharat Yojana; Agreement signed between State and Union Health Ministry” Auspicious times for worshipping Shiva and Gauri 1. Sunrise – 6:54 am in February. 2. Brahma Muhurta – February 26 will be from 5:17 AM to 6:19 AM. 3. The auspicious moment—This is the auspicious moment. 4. The puja time for the first watch of the night is from 6:19 am to 9:26 am on February 1. 5. The puja time for the second watch of the night will be from 9:26 am on February 26th to 12:34 am on the morning of the 27th.

Night Third Prahar Puja Time – February 26th from 12:34 am to 3:41 am. 7. Night Fourth Prahar Puja Time – February 27th morning will be from 3:41 AM to 6:48 AM. 8. Nishita Kala Puja Time – February 27th morning from 3:41 AM to 6:48 AM.
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