When was the world’s first letter written, know its history
When was the world’s first letter written, know its history. In this age of social media, the art of writing has almost become obsolete, although, in the past, people used to know about each other’s status only through letters. Letters were the only means for people to inform and communicate with each other, sometimes taking weeks or years to reach from one place to another.

But now social media platforms have taken the place of letters. Nowadays, letter writing has decreased a lot. In such a situation, have you ever wondered when a letter was written for the first time in the world? If not, then today we will tell you when the world’s first letter was written.
Now tell you that not a single note is available who wrote the very first letter but according to historian Hellenicus there was the writing of the very first letter and it was created in 500 BC. As it was presented by the queen of Persia Atenissa. Atenissa became a queen at 28 years old. After when she sent first the letter, sending messages through such a method increased in great numbers.
After this, people also wanted to become literate to send messages following the queen. Letters have played an important role in history for thousands of years. Although social media has now replaced letters, handwritten letters will always remain close to the heart.