Which note was printed by RBI for the first time in independent India?
Which note was first printed by RBI? Indian currency notes in the denominations of Rs. 10, Rs. 20, Rs. 50, Rs. 100, and Rs. 500 are the most commonly found nowadays. Do you know who the first note printed by RBI was when India became independent? Today the picture of Mahatma Gandhi appears on all Indian currencies. But Azad time whose picture was appearing on India’s first note?

Before the independence of April 1, 1935, Sir Osborne Smith was the Governor of Reserve Bank of India. It had released its first Rs 5 note in January 1938. The note has a picture of ‘King George VI’. Then James Brad Taylor was RBI’s second governor. So, which note was released first after the independence period?

The Reserve Bank of India introduced the one rupee note as the nation’s first legal money in 1949. At the time, the lion sign of the Ashoka Pillar from Sarnath was used on the one rupee note in place of the image of King George. In 1969, the Reserve Bank initially issued a 100 rupee note with an image of Gandhiji. Indian banknotes have included Gandhiji’s image ever since.
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