Who is Draupadi Murmu?Career, Family, Daughter, Husband, Education Qualification, and other details
Who is Draupadi Murmu ? In the 78-year history of independent India, the last decade and a half can be considered particularly special for women. Women who achieved success in every field of life succeeded in reaching the top constitutional post of the country during this period, and after Pratibha Devi Singh Patil achieved the honor of becoming the first woman President of the country in 2007, now Draupadi Murmu becoming the President is a beautiful example of the democratic tradition of the country. Did anyone ever think that Draupadi Murmu, who received education from a very ordinary school in a small village Uparbeda of Kusumi tehsil of Mayurbhanj district of Odisha, located at a distance of two thousand kilometers from Delhi, would one day achieve extraordinary success and occupy the highest constitutional post of the country, and Rashtrapati Bhavan, which is counted among the best buildings not only in the country but in the world, would be her official residence? It would be relevant to mention here that Draupadi Murmu would be the first tribal president of the country. Along with representing women, she also represents the tribal community, which is more than eight and a half percent of the country’s total population, but if we talk about tribes, she belongs to the Santhal tribe. After Bhil and Gond, the population of the Santhal tribe is the highest among the tribals.

Talking about family life, Draupadi Murmu was born on 20 June 1958 in a Santhal family in Baidaposi village of Mayurbhanj district of Odisha. Her father’s name is Biranchi Narayan Tudu. Both her grandfather and her father were the heads of their village. Murmu studied in a school located in Uparbeda village of Kusumi tehsil of Mayurbhanj district. This village is about 2000 km from Delhi and 313 km from Bhubaneswar, Odisha. She married Shyam Charan Murmu. After the death of her husband and two sons, Draupadi Murmu opened a school in her house, where she used to teach children. Children still receive education in that boarding school. Her only surviving child, her daughter, is married and lives in Bhubaneswar.

India has got its 15th President in the form of Draupadi Murmu. The ruling party’s presidential candidate, Draupadi Murmu, has won by defeating opposition candidate Yashwant Sinha. She is the country’s first tribal woman president. A total of 3219 votes were cast in the presidential election, whose value is 838839. In this, Draupadi Murmu got 2161 votes and Yashwant Sinha got 1058 votes. Let us know important things about the country’s first citizen, Draupadi Murmu.
Born on 20 June 1958 in Baidposi village of Mayurganj district of Odisha, Draupadi Murmu belongs to the tribal ethnic group Santhal. Her father’s name is Biranchi Narayan Tudu. She was married to Shyamacharan Murmu. Draupadi has lost her husband and two sons. She has a daughter named Itishree Murmu.
Her childhood was spent in extreme poverty and deprivation. But she did not let her situation come in the way of her hard work and completed her graduation from Ramadevi Women’s College, Bhubaneswar. Draupadi Murmu started working as a teacher for her daughter.
Before joining politics, Murmu started her career as a teacher. She also worked as a junior assistant in the irrigation and electricity department from 1979 to 1983. After this, she also worked as an honorary assistant teacher from 1994 to 1997.
Draupadi has also been a minister in the coalition government of BJD and BJP and held several posts in the state from 2002 to 2004. Draupadi was the first governor of Jharkhand who completed a term of 5 years after the formation of Jharkhand in 2000. Along with this, she also served as the governor of the state from 2015 to 2021.

Draupadi Murmu started her professional life as a teacher and then gradually entered active politics. In 1997, she started her political career by winning the councillor election of Rairangpur Nagar Panchayat. When she became the president, leaders around the world termed it a victory of Indian democracy. US President Joe Biden said in his message that a tribal woman reaching a position like the President is a proof of the strength of Indian democracy. He said that Murmu’s election is proof that a person’s efforts, not birth, determine his destiny. At the same time, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said that Draupadi Murmu’s reaching the post of head of the nation is the result of her high personality.
French President Emmanuel Macron congratulated Murmu on becoming president. Meanwhile, Dallas Alfaperuma, who recently lost the presidential election in Sri Lanka, said congratulations to the President of the world’s most unique country, born after independence and ethnically and culturally. Nepal’s Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba said that he congratulates Draupadi Murmu on being elected President of the world’s largest democracy.
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