In India, it is said that any good news or good deed itself sweetens the mouth. The most used sweet is to sweeten the mouth is laddu. There is a craze of different type among the people of India. Laddu is prepared from several things. Among the sweets, laddu is in high demand. Laddu is the first choice to offer to the guests during the time of wedding and festivals.

But have you ever thought why laddu is round? Why is laddu not square? What is the story of laddu? Has its shape ever changed? So let’s know about these things. Everyone must have seen that homemade laddu is round and big in size. But if we talk about the earlier times, these laddu were used as medicine.

That is why its size was kept very small. A mixer was made by grinding sugar, honey, dates and other things and then laddu was made from it. So it is said that the shape of laddu has changed slightly over time. But laddu has always been round in shape. If we talk about the history of laddu, it is centuries old.
According to history experts, laddu was invented in the fourth century. The great Indian physician Sushruta introduced this laddu to the whole world. Since Sushruta was a doctor, he used it as medicine. Along with this, it is also said that laddu was very popular in the fourteenth dynasty.
Soldiers used to take laddu as a good omen while going to war. With time, laddu has changed a lot. Earlier, ghee was used in laddu. But later, sugar was used.