What Are The Benegfits Of Green peas
Why Green Peas Are Healthy And Nutritious? Winter is the season of green vegetables. People who have become tired of eating vegetables of bad taste all year round, particularly in winter, look forward to eating green vegetables. Now, the market is full of ‘winter vegetables’ like spring onions, fresh cauliflower, native beans, cabbage, broccoli etc. Among these, people are in high demand for green peas. Children are also showing interest in the intake of green peas in curries and parathas. They are quite beneficial to the healthy body, being so delicious for the mouth too. So, let’s see how green peas heal our body.

Green peas are of immense benefits for diabetics. Since it is low GI, it regulates the sugar levels. If you also are a diabetic, then do add green peas to your diet. On other days, it’s quite tough to find fresh peas, but in winters, you can incorporate this veggie, which is readily available in the market, into your diet and remain healthy.

Green peas is a storehouse of nutrients. In which Vitamin-C, magnesium, potassium and calcium are found. Which keeps the heart healthy. Due to its fiber content, it reduces cholesterol level. From this, one can get free from the heart-related diseases.

It reduces the problem of indigestion because it contains good amounts of fibers. If you take peas in the winter every day, then in your intestine, good bacteria are developed. Due to them, you have strength against stomach problems.
This is a good option to increase the flow of iron in the body of vegetarians. Which helps in making red blood cells.
It is a very difficult task to lose weight in winter. At such times, you can include green peas in your diet. In which there is sufficient protein. Apart from this, peas are also rich in iron, folate, vitamin A, phosphorus, which help in increasing muscle strength.
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