World Cancer Day: Side Effects after chemotherapy
World Cancer Day: Side Effects after chemotherapy: It’s World Cancer Day today. The primary goals of this day’s celebration are to raise awareness of the illness, educate the public, and encourage prompt action from the government to combat this fatal condition. To shield thousands of people from this illness, this day is observed annually. This year’s theme is “United by Unique.” The World Health Organisation estimates that one in six people globally may develop cancer. Medical practitioners say that if cancer is detected and treated early, patients have a good chance of recovering. Cancer can be caused by smoking, drinking, utilizing chemicals in food, and some viral diseases.

Chemotherapy is a drug-based cancer treatment approach. It is usually an injection. Since the method of administering it to the body is very difficult, the doctor informs the patient in advance how and when to take these drugs.
The side effects of chemotherapy:
Some patients experience problems like vomiting, diarrhea, feeling weak, and abdominal pain after this procedure. But these symptoms go away within seven days. If required, the doctor administers medicine to relieve these symptoms. Besides this, all the hair of the patient is removed after this treatment. However, once the chemotherapy procedure is over, the hair of the head returns. Besides this, the patient’s urine becomes dark yellow or red and the nails may turn blue or black. Hence, the patient need not fear.
You should generally take precautions during chemotherapy. During this time, especially eat home-cooked food. Wash your hands thoroughly before eating fruit. Drink boiled or purified water. Wash your hands and face thoroughly before eating. Use a soft brush to take care of your teeth and mouth. Do not grow fingernails and be careful while cutting them. Do not go to crowds. This reduces the risk of the patient getting infected. Just follow the simple bathing methods without touching the skin. Do not even touch any boil or pimple in the body. Just simply wash with mild shampoo and soft drink for hair care. Anyways, you can use fake hair while your hair is growing. But you must consult a doctor before doing this.

Different types of chemotherapy:
Different forms of cancer exist. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy are required for cancer patients. It has many side effects. At this time, the body’s immunity is also weakened and the risk of infection is also high. Therefore, proper nutrition is needed at this time. Eat good food for good health. If a cancer patient feels nausea while eating, he should reduce the interval between meals and eat small meals more often. The volume of liquid food should be more. If the physician does not prescribe, any particular diet, then he can take huge amounts of fruits, eggs, raw peas, fish, meat, and milk. If some period passes before intake of food then hunger and thirst in the patient increases. Anything that appears uneatable should be taken with milk or fruit juice. Alcohol is strictly prohibited to the patient.
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