The last sunset point in India: do you know, it is very important to know the reason
The last sunset point in India: do you know: There are many interesting facts about sunrise and sunset? But do you know where in our country the sun sets last? So, let’s find the answer. Sunrise ends in this state of India. The climate of various areas of our country is different. In many places, the hot temperature is so bad that it is not possible to stand outside the house.

At the same time, it is so cold in some areas that it is impossible to go outside without appropriate warm clothing. Simultaneously, there are certain regions of the country in India where the sun rises early, while in others, it sets last. In this context, various different facts about India amaze us because of its diversity.

For example, do you know where the first sunrise occurs? Most people will surely answer this is Arunachal Pradesh. Arunachal Pradesh means Arun meaning sun and Chal meaning rise, therefore, the sunrise occurs first place in the state. The only location in India where day and night are entirely distinct from those in other states is the Dewang Valley, which is located in the Dong Valley in Arunachal Pradesh.

In June, the sun rises at 4.30 am but here it rises at 5 am. Do you know where the last sun rises in the nation? The sun sets last in Gujrat, Gujarat, India. This is because Gujarat lies in the western side of the country. The sun sets there at 7.39 pm during June.