Why does fog form in the winter? Know everything
Why does fog form in the winter? Fog forms when winter arrives. A blanket of fog can be seen everywhere, from villages to cities. The amount of fog is so high that the roads are not visible at all. Life becomes difficult due to fog; it becomes the headline of news in the media. And some people even make reels about fog.So, have you ever wondered about the fog that we encounter in winter, why does fog occur? How is fog formed? What is the reason behind the formation of fog? If these questions arise in your mind, then know the simple answer.

Why does fog form?
Fog is a type of water vapor. Air can hold a certain amount of water vapor or water in the gaseous state. As more and more water fills the air, the air becomes more humid. The amount of water vapor in the air is known as moisture. When water vapor completely saturates the air, water droplets begin to condense, or change from gas back to liquid. These droplets of liquid then become suspended in the air and appear as a thick mist, known as fog.

How does snow fall?
Due to the water particles present in the fog, it becomes difficult to see through. When this process takes place in very cold mountainous areas, the water droplets freeze and turn into tiny ice crystals. This is what we call’snowfall’ or snowfall.

What is mist?
Smog is also like fog. The difference between the two is that this fog becomes more dense. Apart from this, we see fog during winters. Smog is formed during rainy days due to the increased amount of moisture in the air. Smog is formed more in hills and forest areas.
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