Valentine’s Day: Why is Valentine’s Day in February?
Valentine’s Day: Why is Valentine’s Day in February? Disregarding the boundaries of caste and religion. lovers build a nest of trust and bond. On the cold morning of the month of February, the misty touch of love fills the heart with joy. That is why lovers look forward to this day.

But with a dash of modernism, today’s youth have given Valentine’s Day a new identity. The young people take advantage of every chance to show their loved ones how they feel on Valentine’s Day. So why is this special day of love celebrated in February? What is the reason behind this? Is it our Indian tradition or the tradition of some other country that our youth has adopted? All these questions must be coming to your mind. There is special significance in celebrating Valentine’s Day on this day. There is a story of a saint behind it. Let’s know how love came into the story of the saint.

Valentine’s Day is observed as the day of love. Valentine’s Day is observed on February 14 worldwide for this reason. For lovers in particular, Valentine’s Day is quite important. Why is February 14th actually considered Valentine’s Day? Let’s discover a few amazing facts about today.
Why Valentine’s Day? The story of Valentine’s Day is based on a saint in Rome. His name was Saint Valentine. In 270 AD, the Roman Emperor Claudius was totally against love. He was also strictly against love marriages. Claudius believed that if love was encouraged, it would divert the attention of the Roman soldiers. Thus, the Roman army would become weak. So much so that King Claudius also prohibited the marriage of soldiers. While one hand of the king, Claudius, was opposite to love, on the other hand, Saint Valentine openly preached about love. In such a way, Saint Valentine proved all the ideology wrong that was being prejudged by Claudius and even went against the king by performing many marriages.
For this reason, King Claudius sentenced Saint Valentine to death, and he was hung on February 14. Valentine’s Day became known as the Day of Love worldwide, including in Rome, and the tradition of honouring it spread globally. Valentine’s Day begins: The holiday originated as a Roman festival. In 496 AD, the world celebrated its first Valentine’s Day. Later, in the fifth century, the Pope of Rome established February 14th as Saint Valentine’s Day. Since then, February 14 has been honoured as Valentine’s Day in Rome and around the world.